Completeness has to include lack thereof. Often, it is the steps between, and the travels toward, that fill up the content of our lives. Satisfaction may be appreciated in moments of silence and isolation. The space between particles, principles, and people helps define us.
How can it be that
Staring out at the ocean
Or listening to
Static in-between channels
Feels more closely to nothing?
A blank face hides much.
Hollowness is suffering.
Silence fills a room.
Too many cannot see
The beauty in the hearts of
The life among us.
Such a quantity,
So shaken by the fears of
This world, recoil.
Things move through nothing.
Absence is the greatest sea.
It can make things clear.
Our minds are machines.
Our bodies are frail vessels.
But our hearts are free.
Thoughts carry on waves,
Buoyed by dedication.
Light pierces downwards,
Completely unrestrained,
Delivering deep signals.
I believe the silence in between the noise can deliver messages or signals…when are minds are free of the cluter of life…sometimes the noise can be deafining-closing our minds to what could be freedom.