Directions in Soup---poetry by Daniel J Neumann

Directions in Soap

Directions in Soap

Poetry by Daniel J. Neumann


Directions in Soup---poetry by Daniel J Neumann
Directions in Soap—poetry by Daniel J Neumann

When you fall asleep

Is there time perception left?

Do we feel absence

In the same sense as presence?

Is rest a form of “time theft”?

Washing the dishes,

A soap bubble stuck to me.

I studied its face.

The sphere became dome—

Colors whirling all around.

You could see pictures.

A soldier dying.

A land stolen and soiled.

Greed possessing men.

Directions in Soup---poetry by Daniel J Neumann.
Directions in Soap—poetry by Daniel J Neumann.

Living for money.

People dying for money.

Few true values left.

Two lovers in bed.

Running out of time ahead.


“Is this image right?”

I queried. The bubble wept.

The membrane embraced

Its own collapse and I ask,

Was it lust or love that slept?

Directions in Soup---poetry by Daniel J Neumann.
Directions in Soap—poetry by Daniel J Neumann.

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