Category Archives: United States

BREAKING: Snowflake Witches to Curse Trump June 21st


As if the media firestorm, illegal leaking, and judicial defiance was not enough to plague a President’s first 6 months in office, Never-Trump witches are attempting to curse Donald J. Trump “to fail utterly” in his capacity of President of the United States on June 21st. And this will be the sixth time.

The so-called “binding of Donald Trump and all those who abet him,” first-appeared on Michael Hughes’s blog on February 20th, 2017. It encourages magical practitioners to petition “spirits of water, earth, air, and fire… [and] demons of the infernal realms” to bind both the President and all people who helped him become President (i.e., nearly half the nation that voted for him… and perhaps those who didn’t vote or voted third party).

The ritual dates are midnight eastern standard time on February 24th, March 26th, April 24th, May 23rd, and so on for every waning crescent moon until the President resigns or is impeached. It is stated on the “Bind Trump” Facebook page that the June 21st ritual date is the most important because it coincides with the Summer Solstice.

Aaiyyan Aaiyyanists shared a link to the group in order to invocate demons to bind Trump. (Invocation means calling inside yourself, which is equivalent to demonic possession, according to Occultists).

Aaiyyan Aaiyyanists shared a link to the Trump Binding group in order to call demons within.


Mathew Gault, of The Medium, ran the bizarre story, advocating for its widespread execution. From there, ExtraNewsFeed, Elle, the Boston Globe, and many other outlets disseminated this treasonous call to mystical arms. Hughes provided an email address, [email protected], for all media inquiries.

“This I consider to be primarily a self-defense measure,” Hughes told the New York Daily News. “So many of us are just overwhelmed with the assaults on civil liberties, immigrants, the environment … this felt like a way to reclaim our power and say, ‘We have power over you. You don’t have power over us’.”

Not all magicians agree that this is harmless flailing or righteous action from a disappointed segment of the electorate, however. David Griffin, Rosicrucian Imperator of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Alpha et Omega, has called the ritual both “black magick” and a “curse.” On his Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Blog, Griffin said, “As an American, I do not take kindly to a gang of Crypto-Nazi thugs pretending to be ‘progressive’ witches launching a magical war on the American people and the lawfully elected President of the republic.” The esoteric organization vows to counter-act the binding attempts.

The Golden Dawn and allied magical organizations are not the only folks spiritually opposing this lunacy. On Twitter, Kevin Ambrose, of the Christian Nationalist Alliance, called on Christians to pray protection over our President during these rituals.

The collective left’s meltdown over losing the 2016 election has manifested itself in some strange delusions: sexism, the Comey investigation, Russian hacking, and so on, never realizing that Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a broken candidate, known to be corrupt, and Donald Trump offered a viable vision of restoring the American Dream. And now, in an ultimate feat of insanity, the Left resorts to calling on demons and cursing Americans to get their way. It must have not dawned on these witches that, if Donald Trump resigns, is impeached, or is killed, then Pence would become the acting President.

Trump Letter 1

Dear President Trump,


I have a Membership Certificate on my wall in front of me, in my bedroom, for being on your “Board of Directors” from the election. I’ve personally sent you some of my hard-earned money from my modest pay. I dedicated time and energy into ensuring your election, and my state elected you by a mere 40,000 votes (I live in Pa). I’m proud of being part of this movement.

I’m respectfully asking you to consider asking the Corp of Engineers to reroute the Dakota Access Pipeline so it can’t contaminate water. This would make many people happy. You’ve said that you consider yourself an Environmentalist, and Al Gore walked away from your meeting feeling hopeful. I don’t believe that you’re controlled by the Energy Cartel. You want these pipelines to bring back jobs. I think I understand where you’re coming from. What I ask is that you show the world you are what we both know you are: Not just another Republican or Democrat or Career Politician. You somehow beat this colossal, stale, corrupt system. You care about people like me. Please, be our President and help the people control our government again.

I’m also a huge gun rights advocate, so I’d appreciate National Reciprocity and even a relook at the NFA.


Regards and best wishes,


Daniel J. Neumann




Together, we will Make America Great Again.
Together, we will Make America Great Again.


This is the 2nd version of Libracracy: a utopian manifesto that pays people to learn and decide in the future.

Continue reading Libracracy

MOT meter: U.S. involvement in Syria

As some of you regular readers may already know, I’ve written a glowing review for “a Margin of Theft,” by John C. Macidull. I believe in the methodology he wishes to spread. I’ve yet to see his commonsense analytic technique spread like wildfire as I’d imagine it ought to. Bearing that in mind, I’m committed to try my own hand at a “MOT (Margin Of Theft) meter.” I decided to analyze the United States motivations for fighting Syria. I hope you all will check out Macidull’s book and webpage.

Continue reading MOT meter: U.S. involvement in Syria

What Happened to Privacy?

Something is very wrong with America

Have you read about the NSA gathering records from Verizon in mass, without a warrant? If not, I suggest you open this page in a new tab:

What’s the point of the Constitution if we don’t follow it anymore?

Continue reading What Happened to Privacy?