Tag Archives: He Is OUR President

Trump Letter 1

Dear President Trump,


I have a Membership Certificate on my wall in front of me, in my bedroom, for being on your “Board of Directors” from the election. I’ve personally sent you some of my hard-earned money from my modest pay. I dedicated time and energy into ensuring your election, and my state elected you by a mere 40,000 votes (I live in Pa). I’m proud of being part of this movement.

I’m respectfully asking you to consider asking the Corp of Engineers to reroute the Dakota Access Pipeline so it can’t contaminate water. This would make many people happy. You’ve said that you consider yourself an Environmentalist, and Al Gore walked away from your meeting feeling hopeful. I don’t believe that you’re controlled by the Energy Cartel. You want these pipelines to bring back jobs. I think I understand where you’re coming from. What I ask is that you show the world you are what we both know you are: Not just another Republican or Democrat or Career Politician. You somehow beat this colossal, stale, corrupt system. You care about people like me. Please, be our President and help the people control our government again.

I’m also a huge gun rights advocate, so I’d appreciate National Reciprocity and even a relook at the NFA.


Regards and best wishes,


Daniel J. Neumann




Together, we will Make America Great Again.
Together, we will Make America Great Again.