Elymas Bar-Kim

I know people who put their faith in a man claiming to be a prophet. When people give away their personal relationship with God to follow someone wicked, it’s tragic. I won’t name names out of respect for all parties, but I will say this: Critically think; deeply engage with the divine; and always judge self-acclaimed holy people by their fruits.

There are false prophets among us

They pitch a promised land, seek fame.

Under the garnishments of truth

Lies spoiled milk and aspartame.


They ask for money and prayers.

They treat God and wealth as the same.

They insist that it’s not a cult.

Securing power is their aim.


Desperate people look for answers.

Parsimony can’t always claim

Veracity—just as fast food

Clogs the arteries, it’s a shame.

Fast Food-3

The sole spiritual nourishment

Is an inner-reflection game.

The rules are simple: There are none.

And they don’t need to be the same.


One thought on “Elymas Bar-Kim”

  1. It is wise to study God’s Word before any judgement..but I agree that
    no man should put his or her life in the hands of another-especially a
    self-proclaimed prophet. I am secure with my relationship with God and
    have no complaint with one’s who say they have a higher calling with God. So be it. I just keep living my life for God & know who to pray to.
    It is simple really. I know that my Redeemer lives, the one who is called Jesus Christ.

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